Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oral Examination

Your oral examinations are on next Wednesday. Remember, you have to prepare a topic every day and talk about it with your mum or dad.

Today's topic - My best friend
Friday's topic - My CCA
Saturday's topic - Talk about an occasion when you have helped someone
Sunday's topic - Talk about a pet that you would like to have

See you on Monday.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Shel Silverstein

Have you read any books by Shel Silverstein?

Click on About Shel Silverstein and find out more about the author and the books he wrote. You can also listen to Shel Silverstein's recitation of his poems, play games and solve puzzles. Have fun!

IFD cum Rainbow Day 2 (by Lim Kai Wen)

This year's International Friendship Day falls on 17 April. The theme is 'Getting to know ASEAN'. Mr Chia highlighted to us the importance of diplomacy and good relations with our neighbours. There were posters of the 10 member nations outside our school library to give us a better understanding of ASEAN.

We celebrated the IFD cum our second Rainbow Day. Primary 3 to 5 students had a chance to perform. I was glad that my best friend, Cheryl, was paired with Tommy to be the emcees of Rainbow Day.

Mdm Nadia briefed us on the importance of friendship. I like the skit, 'The Lift', which featured how residents of different races from the same block of flats broke the ice in the lift when the lift broke down.

The skit was followed by great performances by P3C and P3B. My personal favourites were the song performed by P4A, 'If We Hold On Together' and the entertaining dance by the parent volunteers which won the most applause.

When it was our turn to perform, I was rather nervous. We did our best. I think all of us performed very well and the whole class was excited after the celebration. We chatted, laughed and talked about our performance. Our teacher is proud of us for being united and cooperative.

Rainbow Day 2

By Afiq

My school celebrated Rainbow Day 2 together with International Friendship Day. My class performed a dance called 'Hare Hare Yukai'. It is a Japanese song. I was very excited and nervous. We received a big applause from the audience. I hope my class will perform again.

By Yun Jing

On Rainbow Day, many parents turned up to watch our performance. Our class was the last to perform. I love our dance most because we had worked hard and practised hard for it. I like to perform on Rainbow Day. Rainbow Day is a day to let everyone have a chance to perform.

By Ifa
On Rainbow Day 2, the Primary 3s, 4s and 5s performed on stage. The last class to perform was my class. I saw my family members in the audience and I heard my brother cheering for me. That was my best performance ever!

By Peng Jing Ying
We celebrated Rainbow Day 2 with International Friendship Day. There was a skit about some people from different races who were trapped in a lift. Then the choir sang. Next, 3C performed a 'Fusion Dance'. 3B performed a danced called 'My Body'. It was cool. Next, there was a song 'If We Hold On Together' sung by 4A. Their voices were great. After that, there was a surprise item by some parent volunteers. Tommy's mother performed too. She was the funniest. Next, 5A performed a line dance called 'Good Times'. Next, it was 4B's turn to perform. It was super-duper good! Finally, it was our turn to perform. I was very nervous but I think we did well. Later in class, Mrs Tay gave us some tokens. It was the best Rainbow Day ever!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Surprise Item on Rainbow Day 2

Many of you were really surprised by this item by the parent volunteers from the library. Don't you think they put up a fabulous performance?

Our Performance on Rainbow Day 2

Great job, 3A! You can compare this with the rehearsal and see the improvement in your dance steps in the actual performance.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Hare Hare Yukai Rehearsal

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Long Division

Click on the following weblinks to revise the long division steps.

(1) Long Division Lesson
(2) Snork's Long Division Game (Do not follow the columns in this game.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

International Friendship Day song

That's What Friends Are For

Create your own crossword puzzle

You can also create your own crossword puzzle. First, you have to think of a topic (e.g. Places, Sea creatures, dinosaurs, etc) and prepare a list of words. Next, give a clue for each word.

Then click on Create your own crossword puzzle and follow the instructions there.

Have fun!

Create your own word search puzzle

span >You can create your own word search puzzle. It's simple. First, think of a topic (e.g. Occupations, Flowers, Singapore, etc.) Then prepare a list of words that you want to put into your puzzle.

Click on Create your own word search puzzle and follow the instructions there.

Have fun!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Going to the Botanic Gardens

By Yun Jing

We learnt that some stems are weak and some are strong. Leaves of different plants may have different textures and smell. Some pants do not require soil to grow, such as aquatic plants. The trip was very fun and I hope that I can go there again. I read from the newspapers that it is the Botanic Garden's 150th anniversary this year.

By Peng Jing Ying

There was a floating platform in a pond. Mrs Tay told us to step on the floating platform group by group in case the platform could not carry so many of us. I was in the first group to step onto the platform. I had a strange floating sensation but I liked it.

By Rachel

I learnt more about plants. I found out that when the mimosa plant is touched, it will close its leaves. Plants respond to changes around them.

By Joycelyn

I learnt a lot on my trip to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden. I learnt that water plants such as the water lily float because they have large and flat leaves. As for the water hyacinth, it has a swollen spongy stem that allows it to float. The leaves of the water lettuce have a hairy surface so that water can roll off the leaves and not collect on the leaves.

By Zaim

We saw a 100-year-old tree. It died because it was struck by lightning. The tree is covered by an outer covering called the bark.

By Yen Teng

The place was more beautiful than I thought.

Our Learning Journey to the Botanic Gardens (by Kaiwen)

Our school organised a nature education trip to the Singapore Botanic Gardens on 8 April. Mrs Tay and Mr Yaidi led the class.

We went to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden which is located at the north of the Botanic Gardens. Developed along the theme 'all life on Earth depends on plants', this garden is dedicated to children like us where we can play in. We went to several highlights in the garden, such as the 'Amaze-ing' play, sensory garden, 'Fantastic Forest-Tree House', the 'Magic of Photosynthesis'...

We were given a booklet each. We had to study the plants around us and fill in the answers in the booklet.
We had a great time playing at the tree-house which was equipped with slides, ladders and nets. The 'Amaze-ing' play let us explore the twists and turns in the maze. We almost lost our way. It was by trial and error that we finally managed to find our way out of the maze.

We had a great time!

Our Trip to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden (by Qalisya)

Last Wednesday, my class went on a trip to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden. We went there with Mrs Tay and Mr Yaidi.

When we reached there, we were very excited but we lined up and followed our teachers in an orderly manner. I was in Mrs Tay's group. First, we learnt about the 'Magic of Photosynthesis'. We turned the crank and water sprayed out. We were so surprised!
Next, we went to a huge tree house with slides. Mrs Tay let us play on the slides. The tree house is built on a tree called the Indian Banyan.

Then we went to a small waterfall where Mrs Tay took a picture of us.

After that, we went to the sensory garden. There was a cherry tree, mimosa plant. We took down some notes on the different plants.

We also went to a maze called the 'A-maze-ing' game. My group was the first to find our way out of the maze!

Kindness Movement song

span style="font-family:arial;font-size:130%;">Try a Little Kindness

How I Can Show Kindness

By Kaiwen

Kindness is the quality of being warm-hearted and considerate. These are some ways to show kindess:
(1) Speak gently, be polite.
(2) Help people with no thought of reward.
(3) Forgive easily and quickly.
(4) Share the good things in your life freely.
(5) Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

There was once when my mother and I helped an old lady who fell down at the MRT station. My mum helped her up and I helped to pick up the groceries that she dropped. The old woman's face creased into deep wrinkles as she smiled and thanked us. I was genuinely happy when I am kind to others. My heart sings.

By Joycelyn

When my friend forgets to bring food for recess, I share my food with him or her.

By Amanda

I can show kindness by helping the younger Primary 1 pupils, cleaning up the house, recycling and using less electricity and feeding my goldfish at least once a day.

By Afiq

I can show kindness by giving up my seat in the bus or train to an elderly person or a pregnant woman or those who are in need. I can also show kindness by taking good care of my pet cat, Becky. He too needs attention, love and care.

By Felicia Lim

I can show kindness by helping my friends with their work and sharing my things with them. I can help my teachers to carry things. I can also show kindness by being kind to people even if they have done something bad to me. I should be ready to forget and forgive. Having a friend is better than having an enemy.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hare Hare Yukai Full Version

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Water Busters Game

In Social Studies, we learnt the importance of conserving water. Click on the link below to play a game which lets you learn how you can save water.

Click on Water Busters Game

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